Thursday, October 18, 2012


The training with WHIZZ ICT for ECD mangers has really got thinking about how privileged we are. Everyday we get to work switch on our laptops and off we go. Life at work has become so easy, with the use of technology we can quickly update, create, transform, manage, teach, research and you name it in a blink of an eye.

The group of  Educare owners from khayelitsha  who had their first experience in front of a computer two days before we started our Introduction To Social Media training was overjoyed as we created Gmail accounts, and took the through the process of using Google docs for office admin. "No more long endless hours with documents" as the digital world will make it swift and easy.

This Course has opened a brand new way of life for the participants and things can only get better from here on.                  

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


We always have something to offer to the next person...yes we do.

I had the opportunity to meet the dynamic group that runs the WHIZZ Center in Khayelitsha Site C.
The team has the heartbeat of helping others in their community with the use of technology.
Being exposed to some of the social media tools dose not mean we know everything and this group was so excited to learn that Gmail has much more to offer the just and email platform.
The Team
Them best app in Google for them was Google Translate as one of the participants speaks Swahili. This gave us the opportunity to respond to him in his own language. I can see how this moment has change their way of living and communicating forever. Pamela Siphika, Vuyelwa George, Queen Thabethe, Martin Mfunya I salute you in the face that you want to bring change to you community.